Fourteen trailers came out for an excellent weekend of weather and activities. The usual Saturday feast featured three turkeys and a gaggle of accompanying courses. Thirty-six people were served. Louise Humble, Region 5 President, attended to install our officers for 2011. Installed officers included: Terry Chesnut as President, Jim Matkovich as first Vice President, Jean DeHahn as Secretary, Susan Chesnut as Treasurer, and Directors, Bob Morrison and Anita Koch. Friday night, the club video projector was used to view some DVD’s and VHS’s from the Airstream company and WBCCI headquarters including the Cape Town to Cairo Caravan. Some of us had seen these videos last year, but the audience does change, so it was still entertaining. We had a nice campfire Saturday night. Carol Dixon, Retiring President, displayed the photo album of this year’s activities and Dwight used the club’s projector to show a portion of them using an animated slide show computer program featuring the PBS “Ken Burns” effect. Saturday afternoon, the white elephant auction was held. Many people contributed usable items and over $300 was raised to augment the members’ dues for conducting club business in the coming year. Paul and Alice Yazel contributed some of the memorabilia and equipment they had accumulated over their 30+ years of club membership. They said that Paul’s health had lead to their decision to sell their trailer. After the Sunday worship service, Carol Dixon let it be known that they had purchased Yazel’s trailer. This was the first, and unfortunately last, Rally planned and conducted Terry Chesnut, due to his wife’s death.