Nine WBCCI couples and one guest family attended the rally at Shabonna Lake State Park . There were no scheduled activities, except the Saturday dinner, with the club buying the hamburgers. Everything else was “do what you want”. Jim Matkovich did the hamburgers over an open campfire, Dwight Dixon used a turkey burner to make corn on the cob and Delores Mayo reverted to charcoal to power her dutch oven to make a peach cobbler after her new propane powered “Volocano” was too hot on the bottom and not hot enough on top. Some people tried fishing, but the fish were not cooperating, so they just took a nice boat ride. Many members partook of the Friday Fish Fry at the park cafe.
On Saturday, Waterman (5 miles away) was having its Summerfest, so some attended to see: “The Parade of Power” antique tractors, putt putt engines, antique truck show, and the the lawn tractor “tractor pull” contest.
We were thankful for the air conditioners and the 30 amp service to run them. Brian and Mark were driving back to St. Louis on Monday to pick up their new 25 ft Flying Cloud.