Great weather for the rally. 13 trailers, plus an Interstate attended, including 2 first timers. Friday evening, the Executive Board decided to double the unit dues (from $5 to $10 per year) to cover the cost of storing and distributing the emails and Newsletters using “Constant Contact”. The Saturday morning membership meeting confirmed the election of the International officers and approved a proposed International Constitutional amendment. We were unable to develop candidates for the open unit officer positions, so that election was postponed until October. No unit officers chose/plan to attend the Farmington, NM International rally, so Dwight Dixon will be our delegate. Saturday afternoon, we toured the NorthWest Museum in Dixon. Here is the link The 1908 high school building now contains exhibits of: Ronald Reagan, early pioneer history, and Indian culture. On the way back from town, the Frizs (first timers) had a front left Firestone tire blow out on their Ford 250. Luckily, there was no oncoming traffic. They have AAA Road service. The steel spare rim ( also sold to them by a Firestone dealer) did not fit the truck. AAA took the wheels to Wal-Mart and transferred the unused spare tire to the original cast aluminum wheel. (Word of caution: check to see that your spare tire actually fits on your tow vehicle.) The truck was slightly damaged, but no one was hurt.
Unfortunately, they missed Rick Wendorf’s (second VP) presentation on the use of generators. (Summary can be found on maintenance page of this website.) We used the Unit’s portable gas grill to cook brats and hamburgers on the covered patio. The weather was chilly, so we ate inside. There were lots of dishes to pass. Due to the cold, the campfire was canceled. The new leadership decided to clean out our shed on Sunday morning. Over the last 10 years the unit membership has fallen from 126 to 58, so they threw out the large cooking equipment. The leadership no longer wants to conduct church services, so the 80 custom hymnals were discarded. Old paper products (contaminated by mice) were discarded. No one has volunteered to become the club historian, so the the loose leaf unit history books were discarded. WBCCI Bluebook is now online and accessible by computer or smartphone. so the obsolete WBCCI BlueBooks were discarded.
Link to the NIU April 2015 Newsletter is on newsletter page of this website.
More pictures on NIU FaceBook: Click Here