May 2011 Spring Fling Amboy Rally May 20 -22

Put Put Ocecream

The weather had cleared by Friday and we had no rain and pleasant temperatures all weekend. Nine Couples came out to enjoy the activities: Cristys, Dixons, DeHahns, Kochs, Humbles, Jamisons, Morrisons, Kortums, Whitesells, and Baulings who drove in on Saturday. In Jim Matkovich’s absence, the Morrisons, hosted the rally and Carol Dixon took the responsibility for conducting the business meeting.

FRIDAY night we enjoyed three hours of musical entertainment at the H. I. Lincoln Building in Franklin Grove. Before the entertainment, we dined at the Lincohnway Café across the street. A good time was had by all that appreciate blues and country music. The H.I. Lincoln Building was built by Abe Lincoln’s cousin as a general store and is now the National Headquarters of the Lincoln Highway Association. It contains souvenirs and memorabilia from the highway and once a month (during the summer months) they transform it into a music stage.

Saturday morning arrived early with Bob and Anita Koch preparing Biscuits & Gravy with a fruit cup for our breakfast. It was a little cool, so we used the smaller inside room. At 10:00, Carol Dixon called the business meeting to order. Louise Humble, Region 5 President, and her husband Jerry were in attendance and helped download some documents from the International site. The main order of business was the discussion of the proposed new International Constitution. Carol read the articles posted from the Constitutional Rewrite Committee and Dwight read some articles that were not included from the committee. As usual, there were some pluses and minuses about the proposal. A lively discussion ensued but in the end, the members did not feel they could approve the proposal as it was published. The next order of business was the discussion of the Denver proposed amendment to the current Constitution. It would allow the delegates’ meeting to review the International Bylaws and void those that they felt were inappropriate. This is a special proposal that is trying to be approved by going directly to the units. As a precondition, it has been approved by Region 11. After some discussion, the proposal was approved. Jim Matkovich will forward our approval to Jackson Center. Louise Humble asked for our feelings on an amendment to the International Bylaws she will have to vote on at the June by the IBT meeting. She explained this Region 3 proposal that would allow a Region officer to run for the same office more than once provided that the terms were not consecutive. We held a straw vote and found that all the members thought it would be a good idea, since it has been difficult lately to find people to run for Region offices.

Carol introduced the slate of candidates for the International Offices, as published in the Blue Beret. Since there was no opposition and no indication there would be anyone running from the floor this year, she called for them to be approved as read. There were no opposition votes. Carol, as nominating Committee Chairman, read the slate of officers for Northern Illinois offices that had volunteered and confirmed that they would serve in the upcoming year. For 1st vice president – Brian McFarland, Secretary- Jean DeHahn, Treasurer – Robert Koch, Trustees – Harry Jamison & Dick DeHahn. The offices of President and 2nd Vice president remain open at this time. Carol called for a vote and all candidates were confirmed.

We had a visiting member from the Iowa Unit drive in to attend our meeting and the afternoon activities. He joined our unit as an affiliate member.

After the meeting we broke up into groups to visit attractions in the area. Many had lunch at the Dixon’s River front on the Rock River. Later, we visited and toured the Franklin Creek Grist Mill and enjoyed homemade Putt Putt Ice Cream. Saturday dinner was prepared by Bob and Sandy Whitesell grilling huge hamburgers and Brats on the Club grill. Dwight cooked corn on the cob using a turkey burner. We all had a great filling meal outdoors under the covered patio. After dinner we lounged around the open campfire. Brats on the Grill
Sunday morning it was Carol and Dwight’s turn to prepare pancakes, sausages and fresh fruit for breakfast. Nancy conducted a small service. After the service it was voted that we all had eaten too much this weekend and would break camp instead of eating brunch. A number of us stayed around long enough to enjoy the great weather and the grounds. It was a great weekend of fun and fellowship.

Northern Illinois Unit has been given the Superior Merit Award for 2010, when Carol Dixon was President.

Written by Webmaster – Dwight Dixon

Region 5 May 2011 Newsletter link Click here


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