Lincolnland Caravan to, and Rally at. Pella, IA Tulip Festival – May 1st – 4th

May 6th, 2012



Four of our Northern Illinois couples braved the elements to participate in the caravan to and Tulip Festival caravan in Pella Iowa. John Green from the Lincolnland Unit organized and hosted the rally. One of the Lincolnland trailers was destroyed on the way to the rally. Luckily, Bob and Linda Hattan had only minor personal injuries. We got 4 inches of snow the first days of the rally, but that could not dissuade the tulips coming forth through the snow. The Pella people gave 110% dressing in costumes and dancing. Confronting the snow and rain made this a once in a lifetime experience.

Link to the Brochure of the events click here

Coming Home Rally, May 18th -20th, Amboy, IL

April 16th, 2012
Sunrise at Amboy

Sunrise at Amboy

Nine couples rallied at the  Lee County 4H Fairgrounds north of Amboy.   The weather cooperated.  Friday evening, we attended the open mic. musical entertainment at Franklin Grove.  It was mostly country and western with some Rock and roll thrown in.   Saturday afternoon, we visited the Franklin Grove Car show and toured the Amboy Depot Museum.  Saturday evening’s Italian Potluck dinner had a great variety of dishes.  Once it got a little darker, we used the club’s projector to show  the movie “RV” was shown on the side of a building.  We voted to reject the proposals to allow Non-Airstream  Thor Motor homes to join the club.  We also rejected the Revised Constitution, unless certain revisions were allowed.   If amendments were introduced at the Delegates’ meeting, our delegate was authorized to use his best judgment.   Note: At the Delegates’ meeting,   no amendments were allowed, so the amendment was rejected by the majority of the members.  It was evident that there were not enough votes to pass the SOB motorhome Revision, so it was sent to constitution and bylaws committee for another year of study.  Don Schaffer, chairman of the Constitution and Bylaws committee was an original backer of the proposal, so we will have to fight this battle again next year.

Note: Dwight Dixon and Hal Withey have volunteered to run for directors.  Note: Rachel Toeppen and the Jamisons have sold their trailers.

Link to Brian’s Rally write-up Click here

Northern Illinois Spring 2012 Newsletter link Click here

Link to Region 5 May Newsletter  Click here

3rd International VP Resume-  Resume Jim Schwerdfer  click here.   Note: Jim was elected 3rd VP at Sedalia.


Spring Shakedown Rally- Lowden SP, Oregon,IL April 13 -15

March 30th, 2012

This  photo is clickable to view full size.

This year, the weather gods were not smiling on us at Lowden.   Four hardy couples brought trailers and the Duttons were able to stay in their house, which adjoins the park.  The Duttons put on a nice spread for us in their family room for Saturday evening dinner and we brought along dishes to pass. Afterwards, we used the club projector to view a camping movie.

Link to Brian’s Write up of Rally click here

March Luncheon- Golden Corral- Elgin- Mar. 24th

March 25th, 2012

We met at the Golden Corral in Elgin again.   Bob McKee, Wayne and Lil Kortum, Bob and Anita Koch, Mark Pankow, Brian McFarland, and Bonnie Nester, attended. Lots of talk and plans for the upcoming camping season. Brian hosted.

Region 5 March Newsletter link. Click here

Valentine’s Luncheon – Feb.11th at 11:30

January 30th, 2012

A dozen hearty souls braved the frigid Northern Illinois weather to meet up at Golden Corral in Elgin for our February Luncheon. Brian had reserved the party room, so there was plenty of elbow room to sit, chow, and chat.  Attending were: Mary and Steve Lantvit, Linda and Warren Dutton, Darlene and Frank Mucci joined by their youngest son Eric, new members Nancy and Vic Griseta, Brian McFarland and Mark Pankow, and travelling solo, Bob Koch. Shout out to Anita: Get well soon!

We shared some camping stories, Warren had some safety tips, and we talked about plans for the upcoming season. The food was good, and the restaurant took good care of us.

Florida Luncheon – Travelers’ Rest, Dade City – January 24th, 2012

December 28th, 2011

travelers rest2012

Ruelene and Chuck Aarup hosted the event. Eight Northern Illinois couples, plus two former member couples, met at Paul Ruth Hall for a pot luck luncheon. Attendees were: Aarups, Carligs, Dixons, Gustafsons, Jamisons, J. Matkovichs, R. Matkovichs, Morrisons, Sullivans, and J. Wagnon. Many shared news, and their travels during the past year. Dwight told of the changes in the club’s website the Electronic Communications Committee is redoing. The weather was sunny and warm and friendships shared.

Carol and I visited the Sarasota Rally for one day and attended the Region 5 dinner with Northen Illinois members: the Jamisons, Wagnons and the Carligs. This year the dinner was at an Amish restaurant and was very good.  Fifty Region 5 members  attended the dinner. Participation at the rally continues to decline, with 306 attending this year.

Christmas Luncheon – Dec.3rd – Buck’s Pit Stop

October 13th, 2011

Christmas Luncheon Buck’s Pit Stop

The food and conversation were good. The location was close to Chicago this year and driving weather was good. Thirteen couples attended: Cristy, Goyke, Griseta, Jamison, Koch, Lantvit, Matkovich, McFarland, Pankow, Paape, Rita, Whitesell, Wilkosz, Withey, as well as our new couple, Vic and Nancy Griseta. We welcome them aboard our adventures.  Jim Matkovich hired a three piece band for our entertainment.  Some of our people had already left for Florida or the south west, so they missed the luncheon.

Link to Northern Illinois Unit Fall 2011 Newsletter click here

Region 5 December Newsletter Click here

Fall Rally @ Amboy, IL October 14 – 16th

September 15th, 2011

The 2011 NIU gang

This was our Thanksgiving rally and installation of officers.  We had three motorhomes and 12 trailers at the Fairgrounds for the weekend. We had an additional seven members that drove in for the Saturday afternoon feast. The weather was good for most of the weekend. Everyone enjoyed the turkey dinner with all the side dishes.

Louise Humble, President of Region 5, did the honors of installing our new officers. Our new president is Brian McFarland. Bob Koch is our treasurer, and Jean DeHahn is our Secretary. Two year Directors are: Harry Jamison & Dick DeHahn.

Region 5 Sept. Newsletter click here


Region 5 Rally in Danville, IN Sept. 14 -18th

September 10th, 2011

9 NIU couples plus Bonnie Nester attend. The Danville 4H fairgrounds are had new facilities and was very nice.   68 Rigs attend (including three big motorhomes Region officers from Texas). Region 5 President Bell and his wife (former Eli Lilly employees), arranged and led  tour of the plant and museum. The weather was like a cool fall day. A little rain Tuesday night and Sunday morning, as we left. The music was upbeat and country this year. Friday’s entertainment featured Artie Martin (Region 5  3rd VP) on guitar and a bongo player from Kentucky with a combination of modern jazz and rock. There were also a couple of skits. Northern’s President, Jim Matkovich, was on a caravan, so could not attend. Wayne Kortum carried our flag and Carol Dixon acted as our representative for the Region Board meeting. The board voted to continue to send Region 5 Newsletters to all the MAL’s in the Region.  MAL’s drop their membership more frequently than regular unit members. The board hopes to increases the MAL’s participation in Region events and thereby improve member retention.

Dave Schuman, from Airstrream, gave a talk on what is going on at Airstream and service items. Larry Huttle, our usual speaker, is on his fairwell tour of the dealers introducing his replacement. Airstream is not planning any major product introductions for 2013. The plan is to refine what they have. The trailer sales are going well and the two B class models are selling at a reasonable rate. In the industry, the sale of C class motor homes is a growth area. However; Airstream does not plan to participate at this time. Industry wide, class A motor home sales are down. In particular, the Diesel pusher class is down over 20%. Airstream does not plan to get back into the class A or C market at this time. People are still complaining about leaks in the trailers and Airstream has changed their design in a number of troubled areas replacing clauking with gaskets.

Sales of new trailers to members of WBCCI remain at 6 to 8%. and therefore, is not their current target market. The target market is younger affluent families with an active lifestyle. The new 25 ft, Eddy Bauer model, with front bedroom and rear hatch, allows open air dining with protective insect screening or allows the family to put a couple kayaks through the back. Instead of a caravaning machine, it is a more versatile design to meet camping needs. Airstream continues to support WBCCI by providing door prizes to the International and Region Rallies. It does not make economic sense to them to bring a crew from the factory for the number of participants and potential sales that current Region and International Rallies.  After WAyne Thompson’s death last year,  the remaining partner at Thor has bought out all the shares owned by the Thompson family and now has complete control. There has no public disclosure indicating any change corporate direction.

Buddy Rally – August 26-28th-Galena, IL

July 19th, 2011

Galena Rally

The weather this weekend was excellent. We had six member trailers attend. One prospective couple also attended. Former members, the Wiemers, live in Galena and stopped by a number of times and invited us to Friday night dinner at the Elks.  Bob Whitesell and his wife stopped by Saturday afternoon. They were visiting Bob’s mother, who lives in Galena.  Jamisons made sausage and egg soft tacos with all the fixings for Saturday breakfast. The local restaurant was so close that we walked to it for dinner.  Saturday, most of us toured the town seeing all the shops and visiting the museums.  The campground was a typical “side of the busy road” layout with a swimming pool out front. There were lots of locals with kids and motorcycle tenters. We all enjoyed the beautiful countryside. Carol and I even got in the pool.

Brian McFarland will be installed as president at our October Rally. Jim Matkovich, immediate past president, will host the Christmas Luncheon. As of January,2012, he will be be organizing the 2013 WBCCI Alaska Fly Drive caravan.

Carol Dixon, as Chairman of the Nominating committee, is still looking for two members to step forward to become 1st and 2nd vice presidents for next year.

WBCCI Region 5 July Newsletter
link: Click here

Wally Byam Displays at Baker Heritage Museum, Baker, OR – Link: Click Here
Article about Wally’s Birthday Celebration: Click here

Region 5 Rally -Sept 14 – 18 Danville, IN. – Here is the link click here
Computerfest is held for three days prior to the rally.