Fall Amboy Rally- October 20-22

September 27th, 2017

Clickable to full screen for better viewing.

Location– Lee County 4-H fairgrounds, on Route 30, just east of Amboy.

Friday -10 NIU couples attended a festive fall weekend. We welcomed 3 new couples to NIAC. The club grill was used for the Friday Grill out, followed by a campfire.

Saturday –  After breakfast, we had our Executive board and a Business meetings to elect our 2018 officers.  Bob Whitesell, (Region 5 1st VP and NIAC past president) installed our new officers.  The new officers are listed on the officer page. The Kochs drove out to join in the Saturday festivities.  Lots of pictures are posted by Peter Schwarz on Northern Illinois Facebook page: Click here

Sunday –  9-10AM Breakfast (left overs- what have you)  Closing Goodbyes – head out

Reminder:  Members need to pay their 2018 dues by Nov. 15th to be in National Directory. This year, the printed version of the National Directory contains both your address and your email address.  The electronic version has less personal information for security reasons. 

September 13-17th Region 5 Rally -“Fall is for Horses” Rally KY. Horse Park Campground

August 18th, 2017

Pictures are clickable to full screen for easy viewing.
Sixty couples attended the Region 5 rally.  Five Northern Illinois Airstream Club (NIAC) attended. The rally was hosted by Region 5 President, Arthur Martin.  He played his Airstream guitar, at a couple night’s entertainments.
Campground website – Click here      Region 5 Website. Click here,  NIU Facebook link (many pictures) :  Click here:


August 11-13, Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake, WI

August 1st, 2017

Wendorfs brought their jet skies and entertained the crowd.  Good weather and good friends and nice campsites by the lake, made for a fun pleasant weekend.
Green Lake website Click here

July 22 -July 29, 60th International Rally Escanaba, Mi

June 22nd, 2017

                                                                  Clickable to full screen.

 60th  International Rally Escanaba, Mi.
International rally website : Click here
NIU facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WBCCI.NIU
Escanaba Facebook page(tons of pictures) Click here
Great rally, attended by 638 trailers and motorhomes (about 10% of total WBCCI membership). 13 NIAC couples attended.  A variety of weather: mostly sunny days and cool 50’s nights. Logging and Iron ore mining are big here. Great scenery. Visited several lighthouses and museums. Saw iron ore being deposited in large lake freighters. Northern Illinois, and 9 other local units, had their name changes approved.

Illinois Beach St. Pk. June 8-11, Zion, IL

May 19th, 2017


Picture is clickable to full size.
Illinois Beach Rally (aka: Adeline Jay-Karis St. Park)   Park Website: Click here:   10 NIU couples,  2 potential members, and a visiting couple from Wisconsin WBCCI attended.  2 NIU couples drove-in Saturday for  activities.  Jo Wagnon stopped by Sunday morning. Her husband, Wag Wagnon, (Past NIU Pres., Past Region 5 Pres., and International President 1998-1999) passed on Thursday and she wanted a few things get back to the club.  Weather was warm and windy.  Pictured above, is a Saturday “round table” discussion about tires and other maintenance concerns.  We ate at the Resort Hotel Restaurant Saturday evening.

Automotive Caravan/Rally – May 12-14th- Milford, Mi,

April 23rd, 2017

May 12-14th- Camp Dearborn, 
(30 mi. from Detroit)
Thursday, Bob Whitesell  led a caravan of 5 NIU couples to Detroit.  They started on 11th, so they could extend the weekend and tour all three Ford attractions.  They had a perfect weather with lots of interesting things to see and do.

See Peter Schwarz’s pictures on the NIU WBCCI Facebook

Ford attractions: Henry Ford Museum-Website: Click here
Greenfield Village-Website:  Click Here
Ford-Rouge Factory Tour- Website: Click here 

Amboy Rally -April 21 -23rd

March 29th, 2017


4-H Rally-Amboy, IL   Weather was dry, but cool, around our 2 campfires.  8 couples (including one new couple) attended.  Peter’s Photos on NIU Facebook page.
Friday dinner was prepared on Club Grill.  Rally Hosts, Gardeners, used the indoor grill for the Saturday breakfast.  Afterwards, the Membership and Board of directors meeting was held. Some members toured Wood Haven RV park. Lunch was at the Amboy family restaurant.  During Techtime, Jim (with some effort) showed how to replace a broken plastic water heater drain.  Dinner had an Italian theme, followed by a 2nd campfire. After a Sunday breakfast, members headed home.

Snowbird Lunch – Tarpon Springs, FL 3-7-2017

March 7th, 2017

Carligs, Dixons, Jaminsons, and Morrisons  met for lunch at Rusty Bellies to renew friendships and discuss old rally/caravan times, and news about old timers from NIU.  Here is the link to Rusty’s website:Click here

January Snowbird Luncheon at Travelers Rest-Dade City, FL

December 1st, 2016

                                     Photo clickable for more detail.

Sixteen NIU members (including 5 past NIU presidents), and alumni attended the luncheon.  Weather was good and we had a variety of interesting dishes brought by our members.  Later, we had a nice tour of the Garden Club area.  Attending were:  Carligs, Dixons, Jamisons, Johnsons, J. Matkovichs, R. Matkovichs, Schwarzs, and Stuarts.

We wish to thank Jim and Bobbie Matkovich for hosting the event again this year.

We have scheduled another luncheon at Tarpon Springs  later in March.

Christmas Dinner, Friday Dec.16th, -Geneva, IL

November 7th, 2016

Despite the ferrous blizzard,  29 members attended a festive Christmas Dinner at Houlihan’s Restaurant in Geneva, IL.