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NIU members attending: Cristys, Stuarts, and Dixons. Norma Stuart played oboe in the band. Carol carried the unit flag. Dwight acted as our delegate. Roy worked on Cargo and Jerry worked on security. Delegates Meeting: Only one candidate per International office, Constitutional amendment to eliminate unnecessary roll call votes was approved.
Farmington is high desert oil service community with daytime temps. in the 90’s and 50’s at night. This time of year, sudden wind/rain storms were a risk to awnings. 400 rigs were parked on the gravel county fairgrounds next to a horse track and casino. Five of the seven Region 5 units had attendees. Nationally, 90 of the 120 local units attended. Lucky, we all had 30 amp (for our air conditioners) and plenty of water. Some pulled out early, while others arrived late.
The Dixon’s parked with 65 Vintage Airstream Club (VAC) trailers, which has their own large tent and many activities.
We toured three Indian ruins, including Mesa Verde. Lots of seminars, club activities and entertainment. There were the usual Illinois, Region 5, and other luncheons.
We toured oil billionaires (Bolack) private collection/museum. click here Everything from early farm and oil equipment equipment to steam locomotive, jet fighter trainer, DC 3, Elvis Presley’s gold Cadillac, plus Jr’s two giant warehouses filled with obsolete technology items. Tom senior’s collection of animal mounts (that he shot or collected from around the world) required a two story building with a messine to display his full mount giraffe.