Archive for the ‘Rallies’ Category

Mississippi Palisade St. Pk.- Savanna – Aug. 22-24th

Friday, July 25th, 2014


Six NIU couples attended the rally. Five “buddies”, including two Airstreams, attended.  Friday afternoon the weather was threatening. Saturday morning, during a thunderstorm, a large pine, high on the bluff high above the campsite, exploded, when hit by lightning.  It was an interesting failure analysis.  During the day, individual couples found a variety of local activities  to stay out of the rain.  The weather cleared in time for our pot luck dinner and Saturday night movie,” The Long Long Trailer”.   The sun came out Sunday morning and dried our awnings, so we could roll them up for our trips home.  It is a nice scenic state park with many places to visit within 20 miles.

The Sauk Valley Daily Gazette reported: June 30th,  three year old Amboy child  was electrocuted, when he touched his family’s Airstream.  Here is the link:  Click Here  Report of same incident on RV  Click here

This occurred at the boy’s home (not the fairground).  They are not members of the Northern Illinois Unit.  Further information has been added to this website’s Maintenance Page, on how to detect “Hot Skins” and protect yourselves against this kind of problem.

Shabbonna St. Pk. Rally – July 18th -20

Friday, July 11th, 2014


Nine NIU couples attended the rally.  The weather was great.  Shabonna DNR Website  link. Many members ate Friday dinner outdoors by the Lake Lodge. We enjoyed a “corn hole” bean bag contest that evening. Our new Region 5 President, Monte Barksdale, attended the rally. On Saturday, Some of us attended the Waterman Antique tractor and truck parade, and the mini-tractor pull. Link to the Waterman Festival  website:  click here   Members brought side dishes to the Saturday BYO Main Course dinner.  That evening, we had a campfire. Dave and Bob’s  pictures are in the photo gallery.

NIU June-July 2014 Newsletter link  on newsletter page.  

International – Gillette, WY – June 26 -July 4

Thursday, July 10th, 2014
The total count for Gillette was 349 units.  Peter Schwarz carried the Northern Illinois, by carrying our flag.  Three NIU couples and one guest {our daughter) attended the rally.  There were 21 – 23 units from Region 5.  Region 5 had a dinner at the MUFA CAFE and a 4th of July picnic at the Energy Bldg,  At the Region dinner, Monte Barksdale, our new Region 5 Pres. (dressed as Abe Lincoln), invited everyone to the Region Rally in September.  NIU arranged a luncheon at OLD CHICAGO.  Norma Stuart ably played the oboe for the WBCCI Orchestra.  Roy Stuart worked on the Property Committee.  Bob Koch was our delegate.  There was a Video Recording of the event and WBCCI.   Anita Koch was interviewed at the Flea Market, while selling her colorful round dishcloths.  The Country Line Dancers performed like “Flash Dancers” the night of the “Meet Your International Officers”.  We think our new International Pres., Joe Perryman, will be a good Pres., providing the club backs him up.  Next year’s International will be in Farmington, New Mexico. – Bob Koch   


Zion Beach Rally – June 20 -22nd

Monday, May 26th, 2014
zion rally 6/14

zion rally 6/14

Nine Northern Illinois member couples attended the rally.   Saturday afternoon, the weather got a little dicey, with Tornado Sirens wailing.   We got some rain, but no hail or tornado this time (unlike our July 2009 rally at Kieler, WI).  There was no damage to the trailers or the park, but the rain did delay our Pot Luck Dinner for about an hour.

50th Anniversary Rally -Amboy May 16 – 18 2014

Thursday, May 1st, 2014
Thursday night, before the rally, the fairgrounds received 2 in. of snow.  It was cold and wet parking on Friday, however, the Airstreamers were happy to see one another.  Friday evening, many of the members ate at Franklin Grove and attended the Open Mic entertainment across the street in the Lincoln Highway Assc. building.  The Anniversary Committee (Carol Dixon, Chair lady) put up the displays showing the history of the club.  By Saturday morning, things dried up quite a bit and it was warmer. The Gardners served a great breakfast. The business meeting was held.  There was a controversy over some specific wording in the proposed amendment to the Northern Illinois Constitution to change our name. The members voted to “perfect” the amendment, by rearranging the words  The IBT recommendations for amending the International Constitution were approved as written.  The proposed International officer slate was also approved. Since none of the NIU officers will attend the International this year, a delegate and an alternate, who planned to attend,  were chosen to make our wishes know at the delegates’ meeting.
While Dwight drove over to Creston, IL to pick up the buffet dishes, Carol and her helpers set up the buffet line. Nancy Morrison decorated the tables.  Our drive- in guests started to arrive to hugs all around.  By 3:30 we had everything ready and we started serving our 74 attendees.  After the main meal, we served the Anniversary cake and ice cream. One cake, with an Airstream decoration was brought by the LincolnLand Unit and the Northern Illinois cake was decorated in gold with the Northern Illinois Logo.   Carol read a poem composed by a club member  for  the 10th anniversary rally.  The microphone was then passed around, so each member, or former member, had an  opportunity to share their fondest memories of their Airstreams and club experiences.  The Anniversary booklets were passed out to those present.  The weather continued to improve and we were able to have a campfire outside that evening.  Sunday morning weather was even better, as we served the brunch.
Rally attendance: 74 current and past members attended the celebration.  We had 21 trailers for the weekend.  Three trailers came from the Lincolnland unit  ( 5 members).
It was a great  to celebrate our 50 years as a Unit of the WBCCI.   reporter-Dwight Dixon
May 2014 newsletter link: Click here


April 25 -27 – Illini State Park Rally

Sunday, March 30th, 2014

You can click on this picture to enlarge.

Illini State Park  Rally– Marseilles, IL -We camped together in the Great Falls (river front) Loop on sites 2-20.  Eleven trailers  attended.  Five newer members: Bush/Broedlow, Comer/Sanders, Gardners’, Schwarzs’, and Tomes’, plus  regulars: Damish, Dutton,Koch, Kraner, Rita and Whitesell.  Temperature was moderate for happy hours Thurs. & Friday afternoons.  Saturday Potluck,  had lots of great side dishes  to pass, but the temperature  got brisk, so we retired to the warmth of our trailers early.  It was a good start to an active camping season for the Northern Illinois Unit.

Link to park website: Illini st. pk.

Link to Region 5 April 2014 Newsletter.  click here

NIU April 2014 Newsletter:  click here

Luncheon Mar. 29th – Hackney’s, Lake Zurich, IL

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

You can click on this picture to enlarge.
We met at  Hackney’s Restaurant  to share a meal and plan for the upcoming camping season.
Fifteen members attended:  Bonnie Nester,  Bob & Anita Koch,  John & Harriet Damisch, Gene & Char Gardner, Peter & Judy Schwarz, Bob & Sandy Whitesell, Dave & Dolores Mayo,  Jim & Marge Kraner.  The weather is finally breaking and we can see green grass. Bob Whitesell


Link to March 2014 NIU on Newsletter page. 

Travelers’ Rest Florida Luncheon – Feb. 25, 2014

Friday, January 31st, 2014

Picture is clickable for full screen viewing.
travelers rest1 2014
 The Northern Illinois Luncheon was held  in the Paul Ruth Building at Travelers’ Rest Resort in Dade City, Florida.

Jim and Bobbie Matkovich hosted the event.  Attendees: Ruelene Aarup & daughter Robin Valiuns, Ron Dahlberg, Dwight & Carol Dixon, Harry & Judy Jamison, Jim & Bobbie Matkovich, Bob & Nancy Morrison, Robert & Jo Wagnon and guests Milt & Lucy Warfield.

Everyone enjoyed a potluck luncheon on a beautiful day in Florida.  We had a pleasant time renewing friendships and sharing  stories.

Newsletter NIU February 2014


February 15th Luncheon – Houlihan’s – Geneva, IL

Monday, December 30th, 2013

On a very pleasant Saturday afternoon, 17 Airstream enthusiasts met at Houlihan’s Restaurant in St. Charles and had a wonderful time with great conversation and excellent food.  We met at noon in a private room that Dave Mayo arranged for us and stayed until 3:00PM.  This event could not have been nicer and we all enjoyed the food, ambience and Airstream conversation.
The event was attended by: Dave & Kathy Carlig, Charlene & Gene Gardner, Bob & Anita Koch, Jim & Marge Kraner,  Dave and Dolores Mayo, Bonnie Nester, Peter & Judy Schwartz, Guests Jerry McMunn & Caryl Purdue and Bob & Sandy Whitesell.
Thanks to all for coming and making this such a pleasant experience.  Bob Whitesell, President

Bob’s January Newsletter Link : 

Region 5  January 2014 Newsletter.

Christmas Luncheon – Sunday, Dec. 8th, La Villa Restaurant Chicago

Monday, December 9th, 2013



We had 27 members brave the snow and cold to attend our Christmas luncheon held at La Villa restaurant in Chicago.  We all had a very nice time.  Bob Whitesell