Sept. 14- 16th – Road America Vintage Rally

June 24th, 2018

Bob Whitesell, Jim Kraner and wives had a good time at the races.  No one came from the Wisconsin unit.

August 17 -19 – Adeline Jay Goe-Karis St. Beach Pk. -Zion, IL (AKA Illinois Beach Park)

June 24th, 2018

Eight NIAC couples came to another good rally at a favorite location. Many things to see and do, good weather.  Three couples were new.

July 12th -15th – Rock Cut St. PK. Buddy Rally –

June 24th, 2018


Attending were: Whitesells, Mayos, Kraners, Lanings, John Damisch, Duttons, and Murrays.  Wendorfs drove in for Saturday.

Saturday morning, after the overnight rain stopped, pancakes were cooked on the club grill.  The grill was also used  to cook the Saturday evenings steak potluck dinner.  Saturday afternoon, 7 members participated in fly fishing lessons, but none caught a fish.  Sunday, Marge Kraner caught a 2 pound Catfish and Warren caught at least one good size Bass.  The weather was hot and humid,

Link to the 2018 NIAC July newsletter  : KCzYPna7JF

International Rally – Salem, Origeon

June 24th, 2018

The Schwarzs, Gardeners, and Sanders attended the International and continuing on Alaskan WBCCI Caravan for 10,000 miles.

If you have a Facebook account, you can follow their adventures there.  Here is the link:

725 Airstreams attending the rally this year.  From there, Thirty started departed for the Alaskan Caravan. The weather, entertainment, and accommodations were good.

Registration for the 2019 International at Doswell,Virginia is open: Link:  It is about 900 miles or a 15 hour drive time from Northern Illinois, if you drive the speed limit.  I would recommend you take 2-3 days and enjoy the ride.

The location for the 2020 International conventions is in Colorado and 2021 it will be in Tennessee.

Lake Le Aquina Rally

June 12th, 2018


Had good weather and good show up at the park.  Three couples getting ready to attend the International Rally in Salem, OR.

May rally

April 14th, 2018

Corp of Engineers park, by the dam, got flooded.  Had to move rally to Palisades  park.  14 Trailering couples had  good time with good weather.

Opening Spring Amboy Rally- April 6-8th

March 13th, 2018

Six valent couples brought 5 trailers to Amboy for the rally  The weather was chilly (16F over night), but the buildings and friendships were warm.

Newsletter link:

NIU Facebook Post link:

March 7th Florida Snowbird luncheon, Tarpon Springs.

February 22nd, 2018

The Northern Illinois Snowbirds had another luncheon on March 7th at Rusty Bellies, in Tarpon Spring, FL. Real caravaning delightfuls.


January Activities

January 4th, 2018

Click for full screen viewing

January 30th 11:30 (Tuesday) Travelers Rest Snowbird Potluck Luncheon – Dade City, FL – Host- Jim & Roberta Matkovich. 7 couples plus 2 singles attended. Great weather, Great food, Great, long lasting, friendships. Five past presidents of NIU attended. Good to see Jo Wagnon attend. 

January 27th 1:00 PM Illinois get together(Saturday)- Saddle Room Restaurant- Nice weather for 6 NIU couples to get out and enjoy a meal together.



Christmas Luncheon: Dec. 16th- 2:00 pm – Aquaviva Winery

October 8th, 2017

Thirty-two members attended the luncheon.  Driving weather was good.

The food, friendships,and conversations were great.

Our Northern Illinois Airstream Club Snowbirds: Gardners, Dixons, DeHahns, and Schwarz’s have reached their warmer Southern retreats.